simplifying my ruby life

Ruby is all about simplicity. Make simple things simple, right? So how come we have to deal with all this complexity when we run Ruby? This is how I made my life slightly easier and got some really sweet benefits as a result.

how i learned to stop worrying and uninstall rvm

I've been a loyal RVM user for years, practically ever since it came out. When it first started, it was a simple way to manage the different versions of Ruby you had installed. Simple, right? But then, as the project grew its scope became larger. RVM became more about managing your Rubies, it now had integration with all kinds of software and "gemsets", a way to organize each project's gems in their own separate, sandboxed environments that is still an unmatched, all-in-one way to handle dependencies and Ruby version management.

But RVM has its problems. For starters, it can be very annoying to manage paths in the middle of working on a project because either RVM or you fucked something up. Being made of shellscripts, RVM is incredibly brittle and at one point was under such active development that it was easier to just keep up with the Git repo than keep downloading new stable versions every day. RVM was constantly being forked to keep up with its growing list of strange issues that came with the territory of its quite revolutionary/obscure methods of solving the problems of multiple Ruby installs and projects on the same machine.

Secondly, and this is most of the reason why I switched, as RVM increases in size the time my shells take to open up increases dramatically. As they must load the entire RVM codebase each time, my shells take an exorbitantly long time to open, even when my ZSH configs are optimized to an extreme. The real bottleneck is, and always has been, RVM.

As Ruby 1.8 began to sunset, I felt as though my time with RVM was coming to an end. I hesitated for a moment, then typed rm -rf ~/.rvm into iTerm and hit enter.

I didn't see the prompt again for another 20 minutes.

entering the 21st century

With that said, it was time to actually install Ruby. Knowing that I no longer need 1.8, have no use for 2.0, Rubinius or JRuby (right now), and don't want to lock my projects into older versions of Ruby, I installed the language like I install anything else on my Mac, with Homebrew:

brew install ruby

I use the Ruby in /usr/local/bin because I can test against the latest 1.9 for all my apps, and because the Homebrew Ruby is typically quite up-to-date. Using this as your only Ruby does pose a number of problems:

  • Using 1 directory for all of your gems may prove a bit haphazard, since many of my projects are on older versions of Rails or other gems and require different versions to be installed in different places.
  • Upgrading to a newer version of Ruby requires reinstalling your whole gem list --local.
  • If you change your $GEM_HOME, you have to remember to clear it or change it back to access the gems you installed in this "global" path.

bundler to the rescue...

Of all the great Ruby projects out there, Bundler's got my vote for the hands-down best maintained Ruby project. Not only is it mostly error-free, it's fast, beautiful, has sensible defaults, and generally just makes fucking sense to me. Bundler, the reason for Bundler's creation, and the philosophies that went into its design, are what makes Ruby such an amazing language to work with. In my mind, Bundler and RubyGems serve as golden examples for how dependencies and project-specific dependency management should be implemented in a language, and few others even come close to replicating its symbiotic beauty.

While Bundler is somewhat tedious and confusing to use, I've found it perfect for managing my projects gem dependencies on a conventional basis. It solves all of the problems posed from using a single Ruby, since it installs gems locally to ./vendor/gems. This is a sensible default location, in with the rest of my vendored code, and easy to remember and type. I can write PATH=vendor/gems/bin:$PATH in my ZSH config to always have binaries in vendor/gems available to execute. However, this again poses a problem that Bundler cannot solve...

with his trusty sidekick, autoenv!

RubyGems has a variable called $GEM_HOME that is blank by default. If this variable is not set, RubyGems looks in the default location (/usr/local/lib/ruby...) for your installed gems. Otherwise, it looks in the path provided by $GEM_HOME. In order to only use Bundler as a dependency manager, you must manage this shell variable yourself. I use Autoenv to do this for me. Autoenv is a simple shellscript that overrides cd (just like RVM) and runs a file called .env local to the current directory. Right before cding into the dir, the .env file is sourced and the code inside is executed. Typically, these files are used for configuring sensitive data that you may not want in a repo anywhere, but you can also use them to build "pseudo-gemsets" localized to your app's directory. A perk of Autoenv is you can also add other configuration to this file and not worry about Autoenv clashing with RVM, since they both override the same program.

In order to make your bundle recognizable by RubyGems, you have to execute the following line upon entering the directory:

export GEM_HOME='vendor/gems'

Whether you do this with Autoenv or by other means is up to you, but it must be done. $GEM_HOME can not take multiple values, it is used as a prefix and can only be one directory. I found Autoenv to be the perfect companion, especially for Heroku applications. Autoenv has a special convention by which adding a ~/.env file will be executed upon every cd, no matter where the destination. By symlinking ~/vendor/gems to my actual gems directory in /usr/local, I no longer need project-specific files to tell where my gems are located.

that's all folks

Well, that's how I set up my Ruby environment. All of this stuff is pre-configured for you (if you install Bundler and Ruby 1.9, of course) in my ZSH framework called DOTS. I'll do a whole write-up in the future, but to install it all you have to do is run the following line in ZSH:

gem install zsh_dots && dots install

This will create ~/.dots from the Gem dir, link all of the dotfiles in ~/.dots/config, and reload the shell. When your prompt comes back, you should have a ~/.bundle/config and ~/.env all ready to go, along with Autoenv and the rest of my ZSH goodies. Note: Any dotfiles that aren't already synced will NOT be touched, but it will load configuration for any dotfiles you don't have. So keep that in mind.

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